THE SUBTLE ART OF SATISFYING NEEDS WHAT IS IT? The art that forms the foundation of every business that involves set of activities, exchanging offerings that have value for society. This involves identifying and meeting human and social needs.This simple art form is called Marketing. It is the art of providing and satisfying the needs by providing just what the customer needs. It isn't just about selling, selling is just the iceberg tip which comes to everyone's mind when they think about marketing. Selling is a by product of marketing. HOW IS IT IMPORTANT? Financial success often depends on marketing ability. Marketing builds a demand for products and services, which, in return creates jobs. It is an intangible asset that contributes heavily to the value of a firm. It determines what the product will be, the target customer segment, the micro-market and many more things, without which the existence of products and launch of new products would not have been economical. It...